which make it possible to subculture adherent cultured cells WITHOUT the cell dispersion
The Punching Apparatus for Cover Slips

Experimental Report
A novel passage method for adherent cultured cells: CS Divider
This development was motivated by a request for a cell-cultured coverslip sheet to be divided into uniform individual pieces. The CS Divider reduces and simplify your routine work for cell dispersion. The following explanatory introduction of this product is based on data from a doctor after using CS Divider.
The passage of adherent cultured cells normally requires the cell dispersion procedure occurring on tripsin / EDTA, etc. The first passage may however not be built easily due to potential proliferactive arrest and cellular death during the cell dispersion. Therefore, we suggest a novel method for cell subculturing based on a simple sheet division without cell cleavages.
HeLa cells were cultivated overnight on a coverslip sheet (Cell Desk LF2, Sumitomo), followed by its division into 56 hexagonal pieces of individual coverslip using CS Divider (Fig. 1). Afterwards the cell culturing procedure was continued (Fig.2), and we confirmed that the multiplication of the cells 2d and 7d after the cell subculturing (Fig.3). The experiment was double-checked.
It allows to subculture adherent cultured cells without the cell dispersion procedure.
Compact desktop machine
Comprehensively safe design for pressing function
Simultaneous and uniform punching function with ease
Time-saving, and thus you can avoid the specimen drying
We are pleased to customize the machine depending on your requests.
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